Profilo di Jonathan Jennings

Madagascar Solitaire - (Unity 3D Canceled)

The greatest project I worked on that no one had the chance to play
Short 2 level playthrough of the android port of Madgascar Solitaire.
Madagascar Solitaire was a title our team at Fuel Games worked on for a solid 5 to 6 months but was unfortunately canceled .   It was a great project that we put a lot of research , love, and our skills into but sadly the business end of the project fell apart.  

Still after 5 years and pretty sure I've cleared the NDA period I wanted to show off  the greatest project I worked on that no one ever got a chance to see .
The introduction to the overworld map
Most of my work for Madagascar Solitaire was  focused on UI  programming , 3rd party SDK integration ( Facebook) ,  porting to Android ( the video I shared was  the Android build I made about 2 weeks before cancellation ), and working on some of the timer mechanics for aspects of the project such as rewards chests . Th e little Currency indicators in top right corner I  implemented .
Apel Keshishan is an incredible Technical Artist, friend, and one of my favorite people to have worked with across many games.   Helping Apel make these Card Streak fanfare banners  was fantastic in that I got ot watch him work his particle magic but also  help him figure out the best way to construct the particles  paired with my programming timing to make these moments feel really satisfying .

One of my simpler tasks on the project was implementing these narrative panels which gave some story as the player progressed across the solitaire board. Our Lead engineer Roger Miller made a very robust framework  so that calling specific narrative prefabs was extremely easy. We just had to construct the prefabs and place the buttons in most cases .

Our Level completion screen as fun to work on as well  though it was a lot to manage due to it having  a ton of tiny  oving parts, From the pulsing star animations, the counting up of tokens and / or Gems  and their particles , the fanfare effect when player unlocked Chests for  getting 3 stars , the objectives , timer , and more .  A lot of hands touched this screen in particular but I think it is such a great capstone after players have finished a level .

These are Examples of the rewards chests, once you  completed the levels which unlocked them a timer would show up above to offer up daily rewards for the player.

Bittersweet to see but these are the credits, this would be the last title we'd publish as the Fuel Games  team and  I consider all of these men ( and dog) a mentor and family. It was a great project with a great team and I only wish the general public could have enjoyed playing the game as much as we enjoyed working on it together !
Madagascar Solitaire - (Unity 3D Canceled)

Madagascar Solitaire - (Unity 3D Canceled)
