D E S V A N E C E R .
(From the lat. Evanescĕre)

1. tr. Disintegrate or diffuse particles from one body into another. U. usually to refer to a color that gradually fades. U. t. c. prnl. The smoke vanishes into the air.

2. tr. Undo, cancel. Dispel doubt, suspicion, intent. U. t. c. prnl.

3. tr. Remove from mind an idea, a memory, etc.

4. tr. his. Induce presumption and vanity. It was u. m. c. prnl.

5. prnl. Said of one thing: evaporate, exhale, lose its spirit part. Fade the wine.

6. prnl. Losing consciousness. U. t. c. tr.


It is to want to capture a little that exact moment of mental fading, where only at that moment, dream situations arise, where moments and memories about personal tastes intermingle in a fluidity of visual rhythms and in many ways, where pop culture play an important role, in addition to kitsch, fantasy, comics, architecture, art deco, psychedelia, music  and design, all together in this explosive micro currency of visuality.


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