Mena Kamel's profile

Data Visualization

This poster utilizes simplicity to visualize complex data by overlaying the ratios of homeless youth populations in the San Francisco Bay Area to compare data from two different groups. This take on data visualization utilizes a hierarchical model in which a venn diagram is reimaged to contort its shape to reveal the disportionality in the data. BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay,  Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) are overrepresented in the population of homeless youth compared to the general population, and the hand-drawn shapes and overlaid colors help the viewer get a sense of the intersectionality of this data. A clear hierarchy of information was crucial to establish, and the use of different weights in the typeface, along with the simple grid structure, make the information easy to read. 

Typeface: DIN Alternative 
Size: 18 in. x 22 in. 

Early Sketches
Data Visualization

Data Visualization
