BATAN (Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional) designated as non departmental government agency, is under and responsible to the President. BATAN headed by a Chief and coordinated by the Ministry of Research and Technology. BATAN main tasks is to carry out government duties in the field of research, development and utilization of nuclear energy in accordance with the Rules and the applicable legislation. In carrying out the task,
Project Description :
In order to participate in BATAN logo competition to convey new identity and emerge new spirit & image of BATAN, we provide a design solution based on value guide and humanity advantage that can be achieved with nuclear technology, Because the result of the research can be applied to most human's life aspects, but ironically society claims that nuclear is still dangerous and harmfull. So a shift in perception must be advanced, to eridicate the issue about "radiation and toxicity" and other shortcoming matters.
Challlenge :
Most people in Indonesia know the terms of nuclear from World War II, the anxiety has spread concequances of misleading usage of this technology for massive weaponry that can threatens human life. Even these days, bringing positive thought to nuclear technology is not easy like flipping hand.
The logo concept generaly is to represent BATAN dynamic manuver that can reach Indonesian people to be useful and environment friendly, to create better paradigm about BATAN research and development for better live
Our Team :
Batan logo competition

Batan logo competition

BATAN (Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional) designated as non departmental government agency, is under and responsible to the President. BATAN headed by Развернуть



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