José Sánchez Pepín's profile

Knowledge Hook website animations

Knowledge Hook is an online platform that helps teachers make math learning a little bit funnier and a lot more easier. They wanted to improve the experience by adding animations to moments like the assign of new problems (mission) or the happy moment when you successfully complete a mission. They also added a lot of fun bots animations in between tasks, you know because everybody likes a robot!

Some of this animations were created as Gif and other as lottie files, depending on the requirements of the animation and placement. 

First lets explore the badge and mission launch animation both exported as lottie files. 

Plays when successfully completing a challenge
Plays when a teacher assigns a new project to students
For the robot animations I helped the knowledge Hook team to translate the concepts into simple and intuitive animations that could work as a loop in 10 seconds or less. Sometimes it was tricky but also it was lots of fun. Here I share a few of my favorites. 
Stop, think, solve!
Never give up!
You can always learn from others.
Always ask: can you do better?
Now the technical stuff

The project was done in after effects combining Battle Axe RubberHose and Motion Design School Character Tool. We made 30 gif animations with many different concepts as the ones you watched.  

Illustration and Design: Knowledge Hook
Animation: Jose Pepin
Knowledge Hook website animations

Knowledge Hook website animations
