Graphic Days®s profil

Graphic Days® Transitions

This special edition will feature top-class reflections with experts on the most current issues of the system in which we live. Graphic Days® Transitions will host a series of events involving institutional bodies, associations and an international panel of professionals and visual design studios committed to investigating, through the systemic approach, new paradigms and possible scenarios related to our society and living environment.
The programme includes talks, workshops and an exhibition itinerary dedicated to examining the new interpretation of the archetypes of traditional Italian culture.
From individual to environment through visual design

Graphic Days® Transitions aims at sparking an open debate on the multiple scenarios of the contemporary era: visual design can promote a transition from a traditional paradigm focused on human needs to a new one focused on our planet’s health. 
So far consumerism and globalization have been promoting a human centered model, emphasizing an immediate satisfaction of human needs through customized services. Today we are experimenting a new level of awareness about the impact of this model, which has a co-responsibility, on a global level, in the processes that are threatening the planet’s health. For many years we have been ignoring the side effects of this model, especially when these negative outcomes were affecting geographic areas that used to be completely neglected by the media.
Changing things means promoting sustainable methodologies, research, products and services that move away from the human centered paradigm, redefining design thinking methods in order to consider the needs of the planet as well as the aspects of an interconnected social system.
Visual design can contribute to improving the capability of society to take responsibility with a direct or indirect impact on the rules and values system. The challenge is “reinventing the human being” to make one aware of the risks and the changes that could be made in everyday practice.
Talks: Silvia Barbero, Paul Willoughby, Danah Abdulla, Nesta Italia, Ella Britton, Nicolay Boyadjiev, ITCILO, ECÒL, Ilse Weisfelt, Traffic Design, Tactical Tech, Common Interest

Workshops: Matteo Berton – Paesaggi e passaggi, DINAMO & Michelangelo Nigra – HHOHH OOHOO, Andrea Serio – Mettici un albero

Exhibitions: Singolare Plurale – curated by Graphic Days®, Posterheroes: humans at work – curated by Associazione Plug in collaboration with Favini, Stay at home – a project by Riccardo Guasco, Un'altra storia – a project by Luca Capuano and Camilla Casadei Maldini

Collaborations: The wall that disappears – curated by Goethe-Institut, A taste of Nebiolo – curated by Nebiolo History Project, Come un gatto in tangenziale – in collaboration with UXUniversity, Green Echo – in collaboration with Fedrigoni, TELL_US – a project by Messy Lab, Design and salad – a project by Studio Imperfect, Sen feedback > Missing Place – curated by Wild Mazzini and Giorgio Bena, Donne di carta – curated by Littera Antiqua, Loop – a project by Associazione Pigmenti, Divieto di affissione – curated by Gianluca Cannizzo / Laboratorio Zanzara, Scarti d'Italia – curated by Corraini Edizioni and OH Design Shop, Esterno Notte. Fotografie e proiezioni sulla città, a project by Camera

A PROJECT OF: Print Club Torino, PLUG, Quattrolinee

ART DIRECTION: Fabio Guida, Ilaria Reposo
CORE TEAM: Alessandra Morello, Greta Panero, Kseniia Obukhova, Lorenzo Genta, Marta Marucco
TEAM MEDIA: Elisabetta Molli, Giorgia Angelino Giorzet
COLLABORATORI: Alberto Naldi, Ana Gabriela Bo, Caterina Fabbrici, Claudia Mazzucca, Eugenio Pulvirenti, Federica Tomatis, Giacomo Martini, Helena Sciavarrello, Lorena Rege Turo, Lorenzo Rabottino, Lorenzo Viano, Simone Diodati, Svyatoslav Sudakov
Graphic Days® Transitions

Projekt gjort för

Graphic Days® Transitions

This special edition will feature top-class reflections with experts on the most current issues of the system in which we live. Graphic Days® Tra Läs mer
