Algo Capital Environmental Graphics

Algo Capital

Environmental graphics & Wayfinding Signage

We had the pleasure of creating five inspirational environmental graphics and a small wayfinding system for Algo Capital's office. The office space is divided into different team areas and each area has its own personal quote. 

Wayfinding system
A playful wayfinding system, that blends in smoothly with the open space of the interior. Each work station and office section is color coded in different shades of a blue pallete. The hues change progressively as you would through the office space.   

Environmental graphics
The office space was divided into five main working areas. In each area we created a custom environmental graphic containing a motivational quote on the wall, that would aim to inspire the employees on a daily basis. Each quote had a “call to action” which was highlighted with the color of the signage for that station.


Station 01
"Well done is better than well said" 


Station 02
"To predict the Future, create it yourself" ​​​​​​​

Station 03
"Action always beats intention"  

Trainings room 01
"Your greatest asset is your mind" 

Trainings room 02
"We are product of our own Vision" 



Creative direction: Tsvetislava Koleva
Lettering / Graphic design: Tsvetislava Koleva
Client Service: Vera Schwartz / Dessi Doytcheva
Interior Design & Architecture - 7561architects
Animation:  Jelio Dimitrov / Alex Zhelyazkov / Atanas Giew / Nani Gavadinova ​​​​​​​

Algo Capital Environmental Graphics