Until We Meet Again
It was you 
I wish I could meet you
 in a better time, a better place,
 with a better self

I never dreamed of meeting someone 
so full of energy, so full of happiness 
so full of power to make everybody smiled 

You were like a little light 
at the end of an ever lasting tunnel 
The feeling of finding that light
 is what I feel 

Thank you for your presence in every moment 
Thank you for your stupid jokes
 thank you for you 

Until we meet again

I stared down at the edge of a bridge
so calm and peaceful I could almost drown
on my own thoughts of following you
then I heard voices, your voice
saying, "don't"

Until we meet again

Until We Meet Again


Until We Meet Again

This is one of my personal work and practice with illustrator. A personal work to express my lost.
