Date: August 2013 · Client: Wirefly · Skills: UX, UI Design, Video Editing
In 2013, Simplexity embarked on a project to revamp their mobile website. The old version was mobile only and not connected to critical back-end systems.

Mitchell led a team tasked with designing a new responsive version of the site that would include crucial services like online shopping. The team started with detailed research including stakeholder interviews and competitive analysis. Based on the results Mitchell and his team moved on to sketching, wireframing, and prototyping. The final deliverables for his portion of the project included high-res prototypes, graphic assets, and a detailed style guide. This assignment required Mitchell to work especially hard to win over skeptical stakeholders in rival departments.

The new mobile version of the site was received positively internally at the highest levels of the company. It laid the groundwork for a successful mobile experience for Simplexity customers. Wirefly's mobile experience, in the end, took advantage of current user experience conventions, addressed user testing and analytic results, and better prepared the company for purchase flow integration.

Mobile Site Proposal Video
The Process
UI/UX Case Study #3
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