Профиль Zaara KittenChops

Seattle Children's Bellevue Surgery Portal Murals

This mural is located right by the big double doors that lead to surgery. Kids have to wait here to be called in. The artwork is about sleep and was created with the intention of distracting the kids by having them explore the textures and the stories about sleep. 
The other side of the surgery double doors: mural about how to be brave (be a tough cookie, cool as a cucumber, it will be piece of cake) and some of the things that will be happening on the other side of these doors (e.g. the flavors of the anesthetic gas - this was a request from staff).
These are the scaredy cats, one even has a butterfly in her tummy! :)
Seattle Children's Bellevue Surgery Portal Murals

Seattle Children's Bellevue Surgery Portal Murals

SURGERY PORTAL: passing through a portal : separation, transition. A rooftop garden above the trees in the clouds. Tying in with the interior el Развернуть
