Facu Puig 님의 프로필

AG Link - Mobile internal app

AG Link - Internal app Work in progress
The company needed an Android app to help clients to connect support department remotely. The idea was to offer an app where the client can open it, and simply connect the app with the FGS device using a Wifi Dongle to help remote support to browse the device it self
So we work together with the Engineering department to learn about their needs and the problems to solve, they had that information listed already pretty clear so we validated the information and the architecture of the information needed to start working on concepts.

The most important goal for the app was to help the support department to access the console, but also, to give the client some information about the temperature of the field, and the weather conditions to help them decide how to proceed according the events.

Once the concept where ready were validated and after a couple of video calls, we start to design the UI, there is a lot of room to improve, but the first version needs to be launched really soon, so there was some time constraints.

I designed in Sketch and provide wireframes and prototypes so the Engineering Department was able to test the design and the users flow and interactions with Sketch Cloud. All the assets where uploaded to Zeplin so they can export them from there.
Some of the screens from the project:
AG Link - Mobile internal app


AG Link - Mobile internal app
