Preeti Jain 的个人资料

Doors - Visual diary of my daily walk. (Typography)

What makes this place unique?
This book is a visual diary of my daily walk from 8th avenue to Pratt Institute.
 I walk daily through the same path from 8th avenue to Pratt institute. It's quite an experience to observe and cherish. The path always remains the same but there is always something new to observe and think about, which amazes me.
While walking on my path, I observe doors, a lot of doors. There are different doors and each door speaks its own language, a story to share and I don't quite know about it until I open it.
And then there are certain doors which I don't want to open and then there are few which my heart aches to.
There are doors which might take me to an unknown world.
Some doors also refreshes my memories.
Some doors also remind me of my sweet home.
Doors also bring opportunities. There are many doors which can lead me to different stories but it depends on what I prefer & which door I choose.
Doors - Visual diary of my daily walk. (Typography)


Doors - Visual diary of my daily walk. (Typography)

The assignment of the class was to create a book which communicates the cultural or personal significance of an actual place in the city of our c 阅读更多内容
