I took Concept Art for Gamr and Animation at Teesside University, UK in 2012-2013. Here are my work from  modules in the course
Character Design and Visual Storytelling
The Brief
To design characters and environment of the student's imagination alien prison.
The Heaven 21
My prison is named Heaven 21. It is the 21st branch of alien prison franchise around the universe. The story was set in future. It is about the three prisoners who always try to escape and chased by an evil head warden and his twin fella wardens.
The Aim
I intend to create artworks of this project to produce a TV cartoon serie for children. In this course, I had to produced work to promote the project and also tell story about it.
Keyscene vol.1
Keyscene vol.1
Teaser Poster vol.1
Teaser Poster vol.2
Teaser Poster vol.3
Ideas of monster in the prison
The leading monster who would like to break the jail
Idea of warden
Idea of warden
Concept Art Practice

The Brief
The art director Cumron Ashtiani from the visual design studio Atomhawk visited our class and gave us a brief for an assignment to design a creature called Shadow, the bad guy from their studio new game, The Realm
The shadow that can open their face as a giant mouth
The shadow who disguise as a giant leap monster
The Shadow who has many eyes
The shadow who is also a lava monster


Concept Art Practice

The Brief
In this assignment, art director Jack Couvela from Ubisoft Reflections asked us to come up with a design for an imaginary new Assassin's Creed game. We had to choose a historical period and do research into the costumes and weapons of that period.

I would like to design my assassin's creed in Japanese historical period.
At first I would like to draw him as a samurai, but I realised Ninja tends to suite as 'assassin' job title rather than samurai because they can do underground work whereas samurai work for the government.
So my assassin's creed will be mixed up between samurai and ninja costumes.


Concept Art Practice

The Brief
Shelly Page from Dreamwork assigned a task to redesign a famous iconic character. Students have to choose from the list for example Marco Polo, Merlin, Tinker, Bluebeard, etc. and design that character in the new direction, yet still have some recognizable iconic element of that character.

I got an idea to design Tinker Bell in Thai style. I wonder how she looks like if she born in Thailand. My Tinker Bell role model based on the Disney one.

I did some research and I think a Thai lioncloth is the good choice to try, breast cloth and elegant jewelry too.
I had an issue about the color. I'm not sure that her skin should be pale as the west people or could darker as she born in the tropical country.
I end up to choose the brighter skin one becuase she give more sense as Tinker Bell.
For all my projects, work in progress and unrealeased renders and designs
 follow me on  FACEBOOK 

Thank you for your appreciation :))
Concept Art course

Concept Art course

Works I produced in MA Concept Art for Game & Animation at Teesside University
