Erotique Sans Typeface - You can't leave your serifs on

Designed by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Mariachiara Fantini with the help of Solenn Bordeau
Erotique Sans is the sans serif version of Erotique: a typeface that evolved the original design of Lovelace mixing its romantic curves with the glitchty & fluid aestethic of transmodern neo-brutalist typography with the aim of creating a design that was feminine in an assertive and self conscious way.

With its restrained, did onesque elegance, Erotique Sans is mostly thought for display use.
Its high-contrast design is ready to take center stage in projects where a subtle elegance and an edgy, contemporary touch are required. All its weights (regular, medium, bold and monoline) have been paired with an Alternate version to give immediate access to a wide array of exotic alternate letterforms, available as Open Type Stylistic Sets in the standard family.

For logo design and titling use Erotique Sans is paired by Erotique Flourishes, a set of whiplike fleurons that can not only be added to some lettters, but also be used as interlocking patterns. For editorial use, Since its high contrast requires big text size, the family is complemented by the Erotique Text weight that allows for longer text typesetting thanks to streamlined design, lower contrast and better readability.

If you liked Erotique, you won't be able to avoid falling in love with Erotique Sans - the font that can't keep its serifs on...

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Erotique Sans Typeface - You can't leave your serifs on

Erotique Sans Typeface - You can't leave your serifs on

Designed by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Mariachiara Fantini with the help of Solenn Bordeau, Erotique Sans is the sans serif version of Erotique: 閱讀更多
