The act is an aesthetic representation of a naked human body. It can be shown through various artistic disciplines: drawings or paintings, sculpture and photography. Thus, throughout the exploratory and conceptual work of an author we have a composition of great proportion, and there is above all, a goal that speaks about pure artistic values. The theme which is formed makes people think, it is uncommon, and it shows the reality of modern society. It contains emotion and empathy. Drama develops throughout light, shadows and potentially strong body language. It becomes an important subjective impression, as well as an exploration of the inner spiritual state and the human drama of the figure. The work emphasizes the importance of preservation of the ecosystems and endangered animal species, which are used for their fur. It is time to understand that we are a part of nature, that we depend on it and that its other inhabitants have equal rights to life, because they feel pain, suffering, love, joy… everything as same as humans. The experience of this work should not only be a subjective experience of the author himself towards the topic, but it should also awake personal emotions of the audience. 


