Here are a few pieces that give a good 
approximation of my personality and outlook. 
Emotional Self-Portrait
Description: The bone structure doesn't much resemble me, but I can see myself in the posture and coloring. (Hi there). Materials: sketch paper, pencil, pastels, black ball point pen. Dimensions: 14x20 in. Date of Completion: November 2011. 

Young Mother in the Pink City
Description: I completed this drawing from life during the wait for a stalled train in Jaipur, India. This young woman seemed about my age and cradled her baby. Materials: sketch paper, pencil, black ballpoint pen. Dimensions: 9x11 in. Date of Completion: February 2012. 
Morning Thoughts
Description: I don't mind any type of work, so long as it is motivated by a creative end. I find that when I commit time to draw out aspirations in a conceptual or artistic way, my motivation is higher and I benefit from clarity of direction. Materials: sketch paper, pencil. Dimensions: 12x14 in. Date of Completion: January 2013. 
Spirit & Approach
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Spirit & Approach

Here are a few pieces that give a good approximation of my personality and outlook.

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