Most cars have a symbol e.i A3, S4, Q, iE, etc they all stand for something (Short Abreviation) . ‘TF’ was ours. Tomorrow First but the way the logo has been design is in lower letter case. We emphasized on it, made it curvy, soft, and adaptive.  And using the Nissan font so identifying the sub-brand associated won't be indistinguishable.
How the logo would look on the sustainability page on nissan's website and also read about how products are being sustainable. From cars to other sub-brand nissan might be bringing out in the future.
So here's the sustainability pack, And some cool gadgets for grabs. Also a dvd to give to the audience who are thinking of joining this campaign and putting their tomorrow first (TF)
Drawing the future on a drawing area to attract kids and family to draw what they want their "green" future to look like. 
Here's the campaign and how it will work. Me and my team think its best if people can be encourgaged to be sustainable by charging there phone at these bus stops with SOLAR PANEL fitted and charging docks for their devices. Also they can read more about other ways to be sustainable.
Nissan Sustainability Range (TF)

Nissan Sustainability Range (TF)

After all ideas together we came up with Nissan TF (short abbreviation for Tomorrow First). Because we didn’t have a full insight to what product Развернуть
