Fae | Spring '20 | Max/MSP

'Fae' is a responsive digital eco-systemic sculpture created using Max/MSP (with potential expansion with microcontrollers and sensors). Using a series of custom objects (inside Max/MSP) provided by the Synthesis Center at Arizona State University, this project was an "informed performer", intended to showcase the concept of autopoieisis, defined as an organism capable of maintaining itself.

In this piece, the system was designed to be very aware of users in the space, but as a means to decide how it would or would not behave. Fae, or faerie folk, are known to be musicians and performers that perform out of sight of human eyes. In similar fashion, the system would not perform for an obtrusive, loud, or moving audience; it was designed in fact to act and behave for itself as opposed to existing for people to gawk at and consume.

A full artist state and credit can be found here.

