Profil użytkownika „Mike Werner”

Graphic Recording for FloridaBlue/TEDMED 2012

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida invited me to provide super-sized visual note-taking during the TedMed 2012 live simulcast at their Jacksonville headquarters and to help celebrate their new name and re-charged mission. The three-day event featured speakers passionately discussing life-changing (and sometimes life-saving) innovations and issues in healthcare, technology and medicine.
It took alot of active listening as well as "hyper-active" drawing to capture all those speeches, and it was fun to see the large room fill with posters. 
My attempt to illustrate Ed Gavigan's stunning near death experience after a random street attack. Hear it here.
Some of the on-the-spot illustrations from this poster were used to help become the foundation to describe Florida Blue's new corporate values
Note that the tables were covered with large sheets of paper to encourage doodling- its always good to get everyone drawing!
Caron Streibech designed this poster for my presentation
Kathy Freyman (r) and Caron Streibich strike a pose with the posters.
Not only did I see and hear some amazing presentations, this was one of my first large-scale projects and I learned a incredible amount about active listening, pacing, color, quickly judging the composition and using the space on the paper (and- as shown on the several blurry photos here- trying to take better pictures!). Take a look at my work at TEDMED 2013 to compare and contrast.
Let me thank Innovation Consultants Kathy Freyman and Robin Shelly, Designer Caron Streibich, Administrator Patty Shlafer, Chief Innovation Officer Kevin Riley, and most of all, the catalyst for bringing TEDMED to FloridaBlue: Senior Director of Business Innovation Les McPhearson. I'm most grateful to them for inviting me and being fantastic hosts.
Graphic Recording for FloridaBlue/TEDMED 2012


Graphic Recording for FloridaBlue/TEDMED 2012

Large-scale illustrations created on-the-spot during 3 days of speeches and presentations of a live broadcast of TEDMED 2012 at Florida Blue Cros Rozwiń
