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Hepatitis C- symptoms,cause and treatment


Hepatitis c is a viral disease in the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus (HVC). Hepatitis C is a blood-borne viral infection. It causes inflammation in the liver and sometimes leads to serious liver damage. A few years before, people infected with hepatitis C need to take a weekly injection and oral pills for the hepatitis C treatment but couldn't take because of the other health issues and side effects. Today, hepatitis C is usually curable with oral medications taken for 2 to 6 months on daily basis. Still many people with HCV don't know that they are infected with hepatitis c because have no symptoms, this may take years to appear.


If the infection lasts for long term then this is called chronic hepatitis C. The chronic hepatitis C usually shows no symptoms for a long time until it becomes severe or the virus damages the liver enough to cause these symptoms and signs of liver issue:

* Dark-color urine 
* Bruising
* Bleeding
* Poor appetite
* Discoloration of skin and eyes (yellow)
* Itchy skin
* Swelling in legs
* Weight loss
* Drowsiness slurred speech
* Fatigue

Every chronic hepatitis C infection starts with an acute sign. Acute hepatitis C mostly goes undiagnosed because it hardly shows any symptoms. Acute HVC doesn't always become chronic.
Causes of hepatitis C:

Hepatitis C caused by the Hepatitis C virus which invades liver cells and causes dysfunction. Several viruses can cause hepatitis in which the most common are A, B, and C type. Hepatitis C infections can be acute (for short period) and chronic (for long period). When a person is infected from acute hepatitis symptoms could last for 6 months but if the infection becomes chronic it lasts for a long time and cause severe damage to the liver. Hepatitis C is a contagious disease it will cause only through exposure to an infected person's blood.

* Sharing drug use equipment like needles, tourniquets, can have some blood on it that can transmit hepatitis C

* Blood transfusion 

* Non sterile medical equipment that isn't cleaned properly before using can spread HVC.


* You can protect yourself from hepatitis C infection by following these steps:

* Stop taking illegal drugs particularly if you inject them.

* Be cautious about tattooing and piercing. Ask for clean and sanitize equipment.

* Safe sex should be practiced don't engage in unprotected sex with different partners whose health status is unknown.

* Stop drinking alcohol because alcohol speeds the rate of progression of damaging liver 

* Avoid medicines that may cause liver damage

* Prevent others from coming in contact with your blood if you are infected with hepatitis C such as don't donate blood, don't share razors, toothbrushes, etc.


Screening for hepatitis C, the U.S preventive service task force recommends that all people of age 18 to 79 years should be screened to hepatitis C. Screening for HCV is important if you are at high risk of exposure:

* Anyone who has ever injected or inhaled illegal drug
* Anyone who has an abnormal liver but test results with no identified cause 

* People with HIV positive 

* Anyone who has been jail etc.

tests for liver damage:

* Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE).
* Transient elastography
* Liver biopsy 
* Blood test


* Antiviral medications: Hepatitis C infected are treated with antiviral medicines intended to remove the virus from the body. The goal of this treatment is to remove all the virus of hepatitis C from the body at least 12 weeks after completion of the treatment. The choice of medicines and treatment depends upon the hepatitis C genotype, liver damage, and other medical conditions. It is best to discuss with the specialist about the medications. You can buy any prescribed medicines from 3MEDS the best online pharmacy shop in India for genuine medicines at a reasonable price.

* Liver transplant: If the patient has developed a serious complication and severe liver damage with chronic hepatitis C infection, a liver transplant may require. During liver transplantation, the surgeon removes your damaged liver and replaces a healthy liver in your body. Most of the transplanted livers come from donors who donate a portion of their liver.


Hepatitis C is a blood-borne viral disease and can severe liver damage if left untreated. Early diagnosis will help to recover easily from this infection. Modern medications can cure 90% of hepatitis C cases. So, choose wisely the best health care service provider for the best medication treatment facility.

Hepatitis C- symptoms,cause and treatment

Hepatitis C- symptoms,cause and treatment
