Profilo di Waheedunnisa Chaudri

Nutrition tips for cancer patients...

Nutrition tips for cancer patients...

What is cancer ?
Cancer  it is a broad term. It is basically a  disease in which the  abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue. There can be many types of cancer dieases such as  breast cancer ,colon cancer ,blood cancer , prostrate cancer ,skin cancer etc. 
It is found that in the USA  that 15.5 million people with a history of cancer were living as of January 1, 2016, according to a 2018 report from the American Cancer Society .cancer cells divide rapidly and form a mass called tumor. As we already know that the treatment which we are giving to cancer patient is having plenty of side effects,  therefore  we can should give healthy and rich vitamin food to the cancer patient to increase their immunity . 

3MEDS is best online pharmacy stores in India . In this article 3MEDS will tell you about the symptoms ,causes, treatment and nutrients tips for cancer patient .

What causes cancer?
The causes of cancer disease are many ,but some of the cancer diseases can be preventable .
heavy alcohol consumption
excess body weight
physical inactivity
poor nutrition
What are the  Symptoms of cancer diseases?
Persistent lumps or swollen glands.
Obvious change in a wart or a mole.
Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge.
Unexpected weight loss, night sweats, or fever.

What are the treatments available for cancer patients?

Chemotherapy  is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells or slow their growth. Some chemotherapy  can be given by intravenous  and others are a pill you swallow. Because chemo drugs travel to nearly all parts of the body, they are useful for cancer that has spread.
Radiation is also used to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells. It can be used alone or with surgery or chemo. Radiation treatment is like getting an x-ray.The side effect of radiation is more but these are the treatment must be given to the cancer person.

Nutrients tips for cancer patients
We should take care about the meal of cancer patients. We should always try to include the all the protein and vitamins in the food .so that cancer patients can live better and healthy . Following are  some tips available for  cancer patient ,though which we can make person happy and help in the better recovery .

Choose healthy food
Cancer patient should take high healthy food . They should consume the food which are high in calories and nutritions . Balanced diet should be avoided as that may leave you on nutritions key .  If person being  diagnosed to  a cancer and being treated with chemotherapy and others treatment ,then oncologist should prefer to recommend extra calories and nutrition food which help them to sustain and keep healthy.

Do eat lean meat and more amount of fish on a daily diet
Eat leafy vegetables and fruits .
Keep your plate is ready with half amount of food and half amount of fruits
Choose whole grain bread and large amount of cereals
Drink plenty amount of juices and it should be pasteurized.

Try to Eat, Even If You Don't Have an Appetite
The cancer patient should eat at regular intervals of time  . They should eat when they have no appetite. It is found that people who are suffering from cancer patients due to lack of chemotherapy and other therapy patient have less appetite. Person can do the following things.

Eat both the food which you like and as well as non like,and keep in mind that you should eat high amount of food daily.

Choose high-calorie, nutrient-rich foods such as avocados, nuts, beans, seeds, puddings, and cooked cereals.

Try to include the food which contains all the things for example protein , carbohydrate and vitamins etc . Keep your food appealing and nice .

Ease side effect with food
We should select the food in such a way that it should have all the nutrition.  The selection of a food should be in such a way that it should have less side effect . Person tries to eat the food which have high nutrition and less side effect as patient is already suffering from cancer  ,the therapy is itself giving more side effect so to keep in mind all the things we should take care our daily meal plan.

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body. There are variety of cancer diseases are there . It is found that total 200 types of cancers are there.  Anticancer medicines are available on online shops such as 3MEDS  and nutmed,1mg etc.You  can buy genuine medicines online.With the help of correct  treatment and having healthy meal will help to improve the health of cancer patient.

Stay safe and healthy  !!!!!

Waheedunnisa chaudri
Msc microbiology
Nutrition tips for cancer patients...

Nutrition tips for cancer patients...


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