Perfil de Sarah TanPerfil de Funded by The Adobe Creative Residency

Building Resilience • 3D Typography

'Building Resilience' is a typography project, commissioned as a part of my Adobe Residency, that hopes to encourage others to build resilience in this ever-changing world and to never give up. I believe pieces like these could inspire others to persevere on as it is relevant during these uncertain times. The artworks are made with Adobe Dimension and transformed into Augmented Reality (AR) with Adobe Aero.

Last year, I was made redundant from my job. I was an immigrant, far from home, and living in one of the most expensive cities. However, I told myself giving up wasn't an option. Shorty after, I landed a job where I had to do 3D work and fell in love with the depth it brings to visual art. I continued to develop my skills in 3D.

Losing a job or sense of stability is never easy, I learned to see the silver lining in tough situations and the importance of being resilient, as some things are out of our control. If I wasn't made redundant, I wouldn't be here being commissioned by my dream company.

Inspired by my setback which led to discovering my love for 3D, 
here is 'Building Resilience'!

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time”
Thomas Edison
“We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice.” 
Stephen Covey
“I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance” 
Lee Ann Womack, I Hope You Dance 
“80 percent of success is just showing up” 
Woody Allen 
“Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor” 
 Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” 
Vivian Greene 
“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”
Oprah Winfrey
“Fall down seven times, get up eight (七転び八起き)” 
Japanese Proverb

Coming to life in Augmented Reality (AR)

With these 3D models already made, I exported them to Adobe Aero to make them come to life in AR. I separated decorative elements from the main 3D model and animated it in Adobe Aero which resulted in a dynamic artwork in AR.

If you'd like to experience these 3D models from the Adobe Aero app, here are the links:

Timelapse of Process

I was screen recording the entire time I was working on these pieces, that resulted in a set of satisfying timelapse videos to watch for those who are interested to take a look behind the scenes. The individual videos are posted on my IGTV.

Assembly 3D Models

I created 40+ custom geometric 3D models using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. This helps me form a consistent visual language across the series and give it an abstract look. The name 'Assembly' is inspired by using these 3D models as my building blocks to assemble my "buildings". They are made available for download here.

Behance Livestreaming

To teach other creatives interested in creating 3D artworks, I hosted 2 Behance livestreams where I walked through my process in creating 2 quotes ('Just Show Up' and 'Stand Up 8') from start to finish in Adobe Dimension. Replays are available here.

Thank you for viewing my project!

Thank you to those who have been engaging and following my project!
A huge thank you to Adobe for this commission opportunity and for making this project possible.
If you are interested to have a creative project funded or keen to take on a commission, do check out Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund.

Building Resilience • 3D Typography

Building Resilience • 3D Typography

'Building Resilience' is a typography project, commissioned as a part of my Adobe Residency, that hopes to encourage others to build resilience i Leer más
