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Graphic Days® Design Lab – Posto giusto per

The right place to

An Italian project of urban regeneration involving citizens through street art. 

The streets become a magic board inviting the community to share the citizens’ hopes and dreams: this is the concept of Posto giusto perwhich in Italian means The right place to. The project is born from the collaboration between Graphic Days® and the Municipality of Settimo Torinese, a town in the province of Turin, Italy.
The recent extension of the pedestrian area of the city became a perfect opportunity to make an intervention of Tactical Urbanism, a term that popularized around 2010 to refer to low-cost, temporary changes to the existing environment, intended to improve local neighborhoods and public spaces.
Posto giusto per represents an intervention of urban engagement that uses calls to action and emotional claims that involve the local community and suggest new ways of living the public area.
The right place to eat an ice cream, play, read, take a break or even give a kiss. The naming invites locals to actively participate in co-designing the future of Settimo Torinese and to share ideas for new possible uses and new functions of the street.
Feedback is collected via social media channels of the initiative, where everyone is free to tell their version of the changes yet to come.

→ Various calls to action spread across the streets aim at attracting pedestrians attention and involve them in simple activities that can be easily shared with others.

Motivational and emotional phrases encourage positivity and contribute to building values of the local community.

Existing supports, previously dedicated to road signage, are transformed into communication base for the project promotion and further engagement with urban space.
Street games take an important part in the graphic asphalt intervention. They are mostly dedicated to younger audience that can compete in collaborative contests and enjoy playing outside.
Each communication medium speaks the language of Posto giusto per. One can easily feel the concept by browsing posts of the project on social media, looking through printed materials, shirts, and even shopping bags. Quotes, calls to action and messages talk with a reader in a friendly and understandable way.
The continuous dialogue between on-site interventions and social networks represents a fundamental asset of the project, that never stops transmitting information and collecting feedback from public.
Thank you!
Graphic Days® Design Lab – Posto giusto per
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Graphic Days® Design Lab – Posto giusto per

An Italian project of urban regeneration involving citizens through streetart.  The streets become a magic board inviting the community to share Ver mais

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