Yoyo Branding y Comunicación

Client: Yoyo 
Industry: Fintech 
Services Provided: Brand Strategy 
Year: 2020 

Project Summary:
Yoyo burst onto the fintech scene in 2020 with a clear proposition: to allow micro-businesses and entrepreneurs to accept credit card payments in a simple way, without the hassle of paperwork or monthly fees. This innovative application is designed for merchants who are looking for an agile payment solution that does not impose barriers to their customers.

To develop the Yoyo identity, we turned to the creativity and experience of MODAFOCA, a design, creativity, and culture agency in the Dominican Republic. The challenge was to create a brand that would stand out in the fintech space and resonate with Dominican merchants. The result was a brand strategy that highlights the ease and competitive advantage of using Yoyo, encapsulated in the slogan "Cobrando ponte alante", which evokes a sense of progress and commercial astuteness that is very Dominican.

Yoyo's communication was designed to be direct and effective, with advertising pieces on social networks and communication materials such as affiliation emails, all consistent with the established visual guide. The visual identity, including typography, colors, and icons, was meticulously selected to convey modernity and accessibility, reflecting the innovative character of the app and its focus on facilitating daily business operations.
Yoyo Branding y Comunicación

Yoyo Branding y Comunicación

Proyecto en colaboración con Modafoca. Nuestro objetivo principal era conseguir una identidad que presentara Yoyo como una plataforma innovadora 阅读更多内容
