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Calcium deficiency ,disease and causes....

Calcium deficiency ,disease and causes....
Calcium is  a micro-nutrients which we all should include in out daily diet .Calcium play crucial role in bone formation .Due to deficiency of calcium bones are weak and person are more  prone to bone related disease .Women who are having  postmenopausal problem and lactating ladies are more risk of calcium deficiency.certain amount of calcium is always needed for healthy bone formation.Calcium is required for all the age group not only for old age people.
To  set dietary intakes (DRI) and recommended daily allowances (RDA) for calcium include 200 mg/day for 0-6 months infant, 1,300 mg/day for 9-18 years old, 1,000 mg/day for 19-50 years old, and 1,200 mg/day for 70+ year old.Calcium is needed for not only human but others living beings as well.99%of the calcium is present in for teeth formation .In country like India people are not aware of calcium deficiency and role of calcium in our body.If we don't have sufficient amount of calcium in our bone it can leads to soft bones and there will be a high chance of bone fracture and bone pain and other problems etc.

What is calcium deficiency?
We know about calcium that it is a micro nutrient and comes under the category of minerals.but what will be happens if we have less calcium in our body or calcium deficiency.A dynamic balance is maintained where bone minerals are absorbed from the blood vessels and then released again.  At a time when there is no adequate amount of calcium in the blood vessel, the body tends to fall shortage on calcium and at such a stage it removes calcium from the bones. This entire process can be quite harmful to the entire mechanism of the body. Long term calcium deficiency can leads to decalcification of bone and teeth and increase the risk of deformation of the bone.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency.

Tingling Fingers.
Muscle cramps.
Poor appetite.
Weak or brittle fingernails.
Difficulty swallowing.

Causes of calcium deficiency
Calcium is an element which our body cannot produce .we have to take from outside .in one report it is mentioned that men with a consumption (average) of 807 mg of calcium and 738 mg of calcium for women are known to be below the daily recommended intake;there maybe many cause of this disease.i have listed some of those
High alcohol or coffee consumption
Hormonal disorders
Disorder of calcium absorption
Kidney diseases
Increase demand for calcium requirement by the body due to stages/phases such as puberty, breastfeeding, pregnancy etc.
Thyroid diseases

Diagnosis of calcium deficiency.
Calcium deficiency can be monitored by consulting with the arthrologist . arthrologist is the one who has done specialization in bone study .A simple blood test can help to diagnose the calcium deficiency.Normal blood report will include all the minerals information and information of calcium as well.The normal calcium level for an adult ranges from 8.8 to 10.4 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).Diagnosis of calcium can be done by checking vitamin D content as well.

What we can eat in calcium deficiency
If a person is suffering from calcium deficiency he or she can change their diet plan by adding some valuable substance such as yogurt, cheese, and milk are rich in calcium. You can also find calcium in rice drinks, fortified soy and fish which can be consumed with the bones (sardines). Beans, figs, broccoli, spinach, leafy vegetables, tofu, soy milk, nuts, seeds are some other calcium-rich ingredients that you can easily add to your daily diet.This will help to increase the calcium content in our blood and this will helps our body fit and healthy.

Treatment of calcium deficiency:
Calcium deficiency is easy to treat now a days.we can cure this disease by changing our diet plan,and using vitamin D tablets .It does not mean that you take all the time medicines . Calcium deficiency can be treated by taking following medicines
TrueBasics Advance Calcium Tablets
Naturyz Calcium Plus Calcium Tablets
Himalayan Organics Organic Calcium Complex
GNC Calcium Citrate 1000 MG Caplets
HealthKart Calcium Tablets
This medicines are easily available on the pharmacy shops,but due to current scenario we can order medicine online .There are pharamcy app available in the internet.one of them is 3MEDS .It is the best online app in India due to lots of benefit .It is giving free home delivery with the discount .

Calcium deficiency is also known as hypocalcemia. It is a disease which can affect all the age group .But it can cure by following routine diet plan .The normal calcium level for an adult ranges from 8.8 to 10.4 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).Diagnosis of calcium can be done by checking vitamin D contents well.There are calcium content present in fruits such as banana ,oranges , strawberry etc .We can improve calcium content by doing exercises and balanced food .
 Eat healthy, Stay healthy 

_waheedunnisa chaudri .

Calcium deficiency ,disease and causes....

Calcium deficiency ,disease and causes....


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