Ostańce próśb
Ostańce próśb (Remnants of prayers) is an ongoing project created above all to give a new look to the old folk architecture and show in a varied way the life of the shrines in Poland, Norway and Iceland, uncovering the unique and underestimated beauty of this phenomenon. It also aims to inspire the audience to undertake further actions to preserve fragile and valuable things for posterity. Cookie was responsible for design of the whole visual identity, design and development of the interactive map and a simple wordpress blog.
Every kashubian shrine is illustrated by the series of photos from various angles, and zoom levels. Photosynth technology enables user to discover the details and the hidden secrets of every object on the map.

remember that everything
tastes better with a...
Ostańce próśb

Ostańce próśb

Cookie was responsible for design of the whole visual identity, design and development of the interactive map and a simple wordpress blog.
