These are arts for facebook. During the first four months of 2013 I took care of facebook from the publisher. Created strategies to increase the options "like" and stimulate sales. Among them was this service: daily posts with illustrated messages whose sentences were extracted from a morning meditation book from the publisher.
However, despite the positive feedback from users in response to the service, through comments, soaring options "like" and sales driven by Facebook, no interest in the publisher's digital campaigns. Thus I returned to the beloved paper!

It was a great work of public contact, 24-34 years. Very challenging due to the speed of creation, after all I needed to read texts daily to extract the main sentence, and sometimes adapt the language of the text to the public, the texts are from 1900, imagine the culture shock. All before 9 am.
Moreover, to stand out among so many pictures on facebook content had to be relevant and prove so, so abused the flat colors, simple lines and varied types. It was a lovely experience. There was a point where it has become an exercise in creativity and realized my brain is developing more and more ideas flowed. There were arts created and developed by 15 minutes. I felt a lot when finished.
You can take a look in
"What we say is the best way to prove who we are."
"The understanding fits with the dimensions of the issues with which it deals."
"If we want to quench the thirst of others must drink
from the fountain that never runs dry. Happy Sabbath!"
"Speak ill of someone who has wronged us does not make us holy.
God says: 'go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone' (Mt 18:15).
Speak ill of someone who offended us is to offend too."
"Do not go to church because we are perfect, but because we are far from perfect."
"A good character and supported by the word of God, resist in the day of testing of difficulties and dangers."
"That which condemn in others, we have omitted in ourselves."
"Every desire must be placed in harmony with God's will,
and his will be done in us."
"There's no way someone who is fervent and persevering not succeed."
"You are beginning to see the defects of his character?
Do not feel helpless and discouraged. Look to Jesus."
"God offers us salvation in abundance. He doesn't saves love."
"Not even the divine power can lead to heaven someone
who is not willing to put effort in their own favor."
"God tells us regarding plans that has for our life."
"The night can bring the crying, but joy cometh the morning."
"If you want to know Jesus, cling to your word."
"Take time to pray, and when you stand praying, believe that God hears.
Mix their prayers with faith."
"We may not feel today the peace and joy that felt yesterday, but we should by faith, hold the hand of Christ and trust him even when not we managed see him."
"To put our trust in humans, we rely on reeds broken,
but the Lord will never disappoint him who believes."
"Each moment is precious, because the all the time we are building our character (for good or for evil). Happy Sabbath! Adore its creator, stay with your family, enjoy the joy that is live beside of Christ and have a day to rest! "
"Even that the skill you has seems be useless, use at work to God."
"The Bible is God's voice speaking to us,
as surely as if we could literally hear."
"There is nothing better to give vigor to mind and strengthen the intellect than the study of the God's word. Happy Sabbath!"
"We must study the truth individually
and we shouldn't expect anyone to think for us."
"It is duty to every intelligent person examine the scriptures."
"God is our Lord, he illuminates the darkness."
"It is aiming to cultivate in us a spirit of goodness
that the Lord calls our gifts and offerings."
"Each person must achieve a personal experience.
Nobody can depend on the experience or practice of others to salvation."
"Jesus came to save the world, not just some around him."
Faith and Bible
"To strengthen the faith, we often put her in contact with the floor."
"The tendencies to evil can not be excused saying 'this is my way.' Christians understand that they need much more the grace of Christ to bring the principles of Christianity to daily life."
"Singing is an act of worship as is prayer. Sing! Flood your life songs."
Enjoy / Bible
"Those who suffer for the truth know the value
of a pure gospel of free use of the Bible and freedom of conscience."
"The Lord is disappointed when their children think they have no value.
Want to be evaluated according to the price he gave them: the life of Jesus."
"Faced of Christ the enemy and his hosts flee scared."
"If any man hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Happy Sabbath!"
Facebook Arts

Facebook Arts

Facebook arts for . Daily phrases to arouse interest in reading the morning meditation offered by the publisher. Read More
