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Egéria Estúdio's profile

Egéria Estúdio

Hire Egéria

From US$1,000

Say goodbye to common and popular names and discover the name that translates the essence and values of your brand in a strategic and timeless way. We create up to 6 names in a unique way with prior availability consultation that aligns with the brand's expectations.

Within 1-2 weeks

Social media
Social media

From US$700

Social media management service with exclusive posts and strategic captions, reaffirming your values ​​as a brand and generating real engagement with your audience. - Unique Post Design - Content editorial - Posting schedule - Creation of captions and hashtags - Access to trello content.

Within 1-2 weeks

From US$3,500

At Egéria, we transform brands into something truly special and strategic. We create unique visual identities that not only reflect the essence of your company, but also offer creative and practical solutions. We believe in collaboration and immersion in the world of your brand. We start with a detailed brief and work closely with you, actively participating in the creation process. The result? A brand that is not only visually appealing but also embodies the soul and vision of your company. Our approach is like a deep dive into the intangible, transforming it into something tangible and impactful. Trust Egéria to elevate your brand to new levels of value, trust and growth.

Within 1 month

1 concept, 3 revisions