Almumin Khan's profile banner
Youtube Thumbnail
Youtube Thumbnail
Youtube Thumbnail

From US$10

Visual Composition: The YouTube thumbnail is designed to be eye-catching and enticing, capturing viewers' attention amidst a sea of content. The focal point of the thumbnail is a high-resolution image related to the video's topic. For example, if the video is about travel, the thumbnail might feature a stunning landscape or iconic landmark. Incorporated into the image, a vibrant and attention-grabbing title overlays the bottom portion of the thumbnail. The title is displayed in a bold, easy-to-read font with contrasting colors to ensure visibility against the background. To enhance visual appeal and convey information quickly, additional graphic elements such as icons, borders, or textures may be included. These elements serve to complement the main image and reinforce the video's theme. Color Scheme and Contrast: The color palette is carefully selected to be visually appealing and cohesive. Bold, contrasting colors are used for the text to ensure readability and stand out against the background image. The overall color scheme is vibrant and inviting, inviting viewers to click and watch. Typography and Layout: Typography is key to the thumbnail's effectiveness. The title is presented prominently using a modern sans-serif font that aligns with the video's style and tone. The font size is adjusted to optimize readability, especially on smaller screens. The layout of the thumbnail is balanced and focused, directing attention towards the central image and title. Negative space is used strategically to prevent overcrowding and maintain clarity. Branding and Consistency: Branding elements such as logos or color accents consistent with the channel's identity may be integrated into the thumbnail design. This helps reinforce brand recognition and creates a cohesive visual experience for viewers familiar with the channel. Call to Action (CTA): A subtle but effective call to action (CTA) may be included, encouraging viewers to click and watch the video. This could be a compelling phrase like "Watch Now!" or "Discover More," placed strategically near the title or along the thumbnail's edge. Additional Details: Thumbnail Dimensions: Standard YouTube thumbnail size (1280 pixels x 720 pixels) Color Scheme: Vibrant and inviting colors with bold text contrasts Fonts: Modern sans-serif fonts for readability and impact Graphic Elements: Relevant icons, textures, or borders to enhance visual appeal

Less than a week

2 concepts, 10 revisions

Presentation Design
Presentation Design
Presentation Design

From US$49

Title Slide: The title slide of the presentation sets the tone with a captivating visual. A high-resolution background image related to the presentation topic fills the slide, creating a dynamic backdrop. For example, if the presentation is about technology, the background could feature abstract digital patterns or circuit board designs. At the center of the title slide, the presentation title is displayed in a large, bold font that contrasts well with the background. The font color is chosen to ensure readability and visibility. Below the title, the presenter's name and date are included in a smaller font to provide context and attribution. A subtle shadow or gradient effect may be applied to enhance the text's visibility against the background. Content Slides: Subsequent slides maintain a consistent design theme for coherence. Each content slide features a clean layout with ample white space to prevent clutter and facilitate readability. Section headers are presented in a distinct font style or color to delineate different topics within the presentation. Bullet points or numbered lists are used to organize information logically and sequentially. Images, charts, or diagrams are integrated into the content slides to visually reinforce key points and enhance audience engagement. Visual elements are accompanied by concise captions or annotations to provide context and aid comprehension. The color palette is carefully selected to promote focus and convey professionalism. Neutral tones with accents of a single vibrant color (e.g., blue, green, or orange) are used strategically to highlight important details and maintain visual interest. Closing Slide: The closing slide wraps up the presentation with a concise summary and a call to action or key takeaway message. A visually impactful concluding statement is displayed prominently against a simple background to leave a lasting impression. The presentation design is optimized for digital or print format, ensuring compatibility with various presentation software and projection systems. Consistent typography, layout, and color scheme contribute to a cohesive and polished overall aesthetic. Additional Details: Slide Dimensions: Standard widescreen format (16:9 aspect ratio) Color Scheme: Neutral tones with accents of a single vibrant color Fonts: Clean and professional sans-serif fonts for readability Visual Elements: Integrated images, charts, and diagrams to enhance understanding

Less than a week

3 concepts, 10 revisions

Business card design
Business card design
Business card design

From US$20

Front of the Card: The front of the business card features a clean and modern design focusing on essential information. The company logo is prominently displayed at the top, elegantly showcasing the brand identity. Below the logo, the individual's name is presented in a bold and professional font, ensuring readability and impact. Beneath the name, the job title or designation is subtly included in a smaller font to provide context. In the center of the card, contact details such as phone number and email address are arranged cleanly, making it easy for recipients to locate essential information quickly. These details are presented in a legible sans-serif font for clarity. The color scheme is sophisticated and minimal, using a combination of deep navy blue and metallic silver accents to convey professionalism and reliability. The use of high-quality paper stock with a matte finish enhances the overall aesthetic appeal. Back of the Card: The back of the business card offers additional visual interest while maintaining simplicity. A subtle pattern or texture serves as the background, adding depth without overwhelming the design. In the center or towards the bottom of the back side, the company slogan or a brief description of services is elegantly displayed. This text is complemented by the same color scheme and font styles used on the front, ensuring consistency across both sides of the card. The overall layout of the business card is balanced and functional, with ample white space to prevent overcrowding and maintain a professional appearance. The design is optimized to leave a lasting impression and effectively communicate the individual's or company's identity. Additional Details: Card Dimensions: Standard business card size (3.5" x 2") Color Scheme: Deep navy blue, metallic silver accents Fonts: Clean and modern sans-serif fonts for readability Paper Stock: High-quality matte finish for a premium feel

Less than a week

3 concepts, 10 revisions

Social Media Post Design
Social Media Post Design
Social Media Post Design

From US$30

This social media graphic is designed to grab attention and promote a spring-themed sales event. The background features a vibrant and cheerful spring landscape with blooming flowers, greenery, and a clear blue sky. At the center of the graphic, a bold and playful typography announces the event title: "Spring into Savings!" The text is designed in a lively font with varying sizes and colors to create emphasis and excitement. In the foreground, a collection of illustrated spring-themed elements such as butterflies, sunshine, and colorful umbrellas add whimsy and reinforce the seasonal theme. These elements are strategically placed around the text to enhance the overall composition. The color palette is fresh and inviting, incorporating shades of pastel green, pink, and yellow to evoke the feeling of springtime. Bright accents of orange and sky blue are used to highlight key details and draw attention to important information like dates and discounts. For branding, a subtle logo or watermark is included at the corner of the graphic to reinforce the identity of the business or event. Additional Details: Graphic Dimensions: Optimized for social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, Facebook) Color Scheme: Pastel green, pink, yellow, with accents of orange and sky blue Fonts: Playful and readable fonts for the event title, complemented by clean sans-serif fonts for additional text Purpose: Designed to attract attention on social media feeds and encourage engagement with the sales event

Less than a week

3 concepts, 10 revisions

Bannar Design
Bannar Design
Bannar Design

From US$25

The banner features a vibrant and inspiring design aimed at promoting creativity and innovation. The background is a dynamic blend of bold colors such as electric blue and fiery orange, creating a visually stimulating backdrop. At the center of the banner, a stylized depiction of a glowing light bulb symbolizes creativity and ideas. The light bulb is surrounded by abstract geometric shapes, suggesting innovation and forward-thinking. In the foreground, silhouettes of diverse individuals engaging in creative activities—like painting, coding, and brainstorming—are integrated into the design, showcasing a sense of community and collaboration. Text elements are strategically placed, with the banner's title "Ignite Your Creativity" prominently displayed in a modern, energetic font. Additional motivational phrases and event details are included in smaller, complementary fonts to convey excitement and engagement. Overall, the banner's composition is eye-catching and energetic, designed to captivate viewers and inspire them to explore their creative potential. **Additional Details:** - Dimensions: 6 feet x 3 feet (standard banner size) - Color Scheme: Electric blue, fiery orange, with accents of bright yellow and deep purple - Fonts: Modern sans-serif fonts for titles, legible serif or script fonts for additional text - Purpose: Ideal for a creative workshop, innovation fair, or artistic event

Less than a week

3 concepts, 10 revisions