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FMA Graphics is a Montgomery, Alabama based graphic design company, which utilizes concept and creative thinking, to bring you unique and sophisticated visual graphic solutions for various fields in today's advertising, marketing, design, technology and fashion industries Nationwide.

FMA Graphics is a Professio… Read More
FMA Graphics is a Montgomery, Alabama based graphic design company, which utilizes concept and creative thinking, to bring you unique and sophisticated visual graphic solutions for various fields in today's advertising, marketing, design, technology and fashion industries Nationwide.

FMA Graphics is a Professional Member of The Atlanta Chapter of AIGA, the professional association for design. AIGA is the premier place for design to discover it, discuss it, understand it, appreciate it, and be inspired by it. It is the place designers turn to first to exchange ideas and information, participate in critical analysis, and research and advance education and ethical practices.
AIGA sets the national agenda for the role of design in its economic, social, political, cultural and creative contexts.

Founded in 1914, AIGA remains the oldest and largest professional membership organization for design. AIGA now represents more than 22,000 design professionals, educators and students through national activities and local programs developed by 63 chapters and 240 student groups.

FMA Graphics adheres to principles of integrity that demonstrate respect for the profession, for colleagues, for clients, for audiences or consumers, and for society as a whole. These standards define the expectations of a professional designer and represent the distinction of an AIGA member in the practice of design. Read Less
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