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What happens when you put Brazil, England, India, Mexico, Lebanon, Portugal and Spain in the same room? BAM! Instant fame. But not by a matter of chance; “Lorem Ipsum” worked long hours to achieve memorable results: the Laus award winners for: BAM! This is a Teaser”and the Open Titles “Sunstone” for the OFF… Read More
What happens when you put Brazil, England, India, Mexico, Lebanon, Portugal and Spain in the same room? BAM! Instant fame. But not by a matter of chance; “Lorem Ipsum” worked long hours to achieve memorable results: the Laus award winners for: BAM! This is a Teaser”and the Open Titles “Sunstone” for the OFFF Festival, the last one also as a finalist at SXSW. This are just a couple of samples of a school year filled with emotions, challenge and great results. The design and publication of “THE POOOL Issue 02”, the micro horror stories together with the challenge of dancing lessons; both filmed at a record time, also 5 particular giant faces that never stop twirling at the Mitte Gallery in Barcelona, and an intense review of love that led us to write, film, and post product and compose inspired by the voice of Octavio Paz. Long days of laughter and exotic
food sum up to an incredible year. Ingredients that made a balanced recipe, an exotic one that we are still tasting. Read Less
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