Epixel MLM Software's profile

Epixel MMM Global Plan MLM Software

Epixel MMM Global Plan MLM Software is a comprehensive business automation solution and commission processing engine that enables MLM organisations to successfully manage and grow their business easily. The high end back-office system offers advanced functionalities including Real-time business intelligence, Distributor engagement tools, KPI card analyzer, Internationalization tools, Intelligent promotional tools, Multi-lingual dashboard etc on an easy-to-use interface.

MMM Plan (Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox) is similar to Gift/Help Plan. It basically comprises two steps, give help and get help. Many compensations and bonuses are included in this plan such as speed bonus, social share bonus, guider bonus, register bonus, referral bonus, bitcoin bonus, and many more. Speed bonus is given to a distributor if they complete payment within the period set by the admin. Social share bonus is given when sharing business via video, audio, text or picture. Guider bonus is given to a distributor when a member becomes a guider. Register bonus is given to the members in the network when they make their first contribution to the network. Referral bonus is given to a member when they refer another member to the network. Bitcoin bonus is given when a user makes funds and transactions using bitcoin. 

Complete customization is supported by our system as per the requirements during any phase of the project. Customization includes the basic look and feel and software features. A broader range of premium integrations such as E-commerce integration, Autoship, Replicated websites, Payout compression, Order management, Multi-wallets, Multiple business centers, Career reward program are included which enables the user to increase their activeness.

Migrate to our system and enjoy premium services. We provide complete migration services which include the following and much more.

Complete user details
All the generated sales 
Member commissions & rewards
Support tickets
Payout history

Epixel MMM Global Plan MLM Software

Epixel MMM Global Plan MLM Software

Epixel MMM Global Plan MLM Software is a comprehensive business automation solution and commission processing engine that enables MLM organisatio Read More
