Everyone has a different perspective on design and art, and combining this knowledge or ‘subjective and objective opinions’ would lead to collective wisdom, or as I call it ‘cloud’ of knowledge. If we could find a way to take something from this ‘cloud’, or ask it a specific question to answer. We could understand things that we could never have guessed, see ideas in different perspectives, and brainstorm about new possibilities.
Alice was my character or stereotype of my target group, with which I wanted to lead the ‘cloud’ to useful answers to my research. I set up an exhibition space with a large picture of Alice, a bubbly dancing and laughing girl, looking 21-25 years of age. At the side of Alice there was a notice board where people could ‘post’ their ideas and opinions.
The ‘cloud’ is strongly depending on its contributors and therefore specific research into contributors is necessary. So we have to make sure we brainstorm with the right ‘cloud’ or shall I say ‘crowd’.
Ask Alice 2011

Ask Alice 2011

Alice was my character or stereotype of my target group, with which I wanted to lead the ‘cloud’ to useful answers to my research.
