The Challenge

Marketing for Change set out to inspire oral health behaviors in pregnant women and new moms. These behaviors included dental visits during pregnancy, dental screenings before age one, and proper dental hygiene for mother and baby. Video content would allow direct dissemination of key messages to the target audience on-platform. A campaign landing page was designed to account for the difficulty of pinpointing the target audiences’ life stage (e.g., planning, pregnant, or new mother). To serve all audiences, calls-to-action at the top of the page invited users to self-select their life stage and receive relevant information, deciding from there which conversion action to take. Luis and His Teeth, the animation featured below, was targeted toward new mothers.
Baby Kicks 

Baby Kicks, the prequel to Luis and His Teeth, was created to inspire pregnant women to visit the dentist during pregnancy. Developing a relationship with the dentist before the baby comes is important for the oral health of both mom and baby. Baby Kicks was served to expecting mothers through targeted media buys on multiple social media platforms. 
The Results

Baby Kicks and Luis and His Teeth were highly focused on our key messages: dental visits during pregnancy, dental visits before age one, and proper dental hygiene. The video content allowed us to easily disseminate key messages to the target audience on-platform. Brushing for Two gave viewers a lot of knowledge and hit on key messaging within the platform. Both, however, succeeded in reaching and engaging our audience. Campaign messaging resonated with target audiences (planning, pregnant and new moms) with high levels of engagement with the creative and positive sentiment toward the creative approach. The Brushing for Two campaign theme exceeded Facebook benchmark standards and previous years’ performance in terms of engagement and creative breakthrough. Overall, the campaign was successful at getting eyes on the ads with millions of impressions — an unprecedented level for Mighty Mouth campaigns.

Agency: Marketing for Change
Creative Direction: Peter Mitchell, Karen Ong
Project Management: 
Francis Diaz

Luis and His Teeth

Art Direction: Thomas Weakley
Character Design: Thomas Weakley
Animation: Thomas Weakley, Caleb
Cinematography: Thomas Weakley, Caleb Kerlin

Baby Kicks
Art Direction: Thomas Weakley​​​​​​​
Animation: Natan Grobler​​​​​​​,
Cinematography: Natan Grobler

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Luis & His Teeth

Luis & His Teeth

Baby Kicks and Luis and His Teeth were highly focused on our key messages: dental visits during pregnancy, dental visits before age one, and prop Read More
