Natasha Lee's profile

Find A Talent Prints

This series of prints was developed for the Young Creatives contest.
The brief was "Your life is the most interesting project". 

 young people 13-25 y.o. 

These people try a lot of different things, hobbies, relationships not considering this serious. They suppose it's just a time for search and  they'll have time to devote themselves to something really serious later . 

They should feel the most important things start right here, right now. We have to ignite their passion to life.
They must set their goals right now and do everything to achieve them. 

 Your life is your main project. What will be the start? 

3 layouts showing "evil leaders" who didn't developed their positive talents. 

Find A Talent Prints

Find A Talent Prints

Series of prints for the Young Creative Contest


Creative Fields