This calendar is based on the idea of variation as such (in typeface or in everyday life — it doesn't matter), as well as on my personal sense of time — time-slow, inexorable, creeping, imperceptible. 
I present the main product of the project in video format for ease of perception. First I suggest you watch it in normal speed. 
And then in slow motion. Imagine, as if it is not changing pictures in the video, but you tear off one sheet of the calendar every day for 365 days. And you hardly see any change. And then suddenly you realize that they've already happened. 
But, as we mentioned above, variation is important in this story, and it shows up not only in the content of the calendar, but also in the form — it can occupy any media of more or less rectangular shape. For example, a laptop screen as a screensaver or rectangular screens in office buildings.
Here you can download images for the screensaver.
I would also like to thank Valery Golyzhenkov (Studio Letterhead) for licensing their headset Hippermetod for this project and the person who made this timelapse (unfortunately, the links I have are no longer working and I can't provide his or her account).
And it was rust 
Mentor: Evgeny Grigoryev @evgenygrigoryev

Thank you



