Laura-Lynn Bolan's profile

shadowland / lit from within

These images document the development of shadowland/ oil on canvas / 24" x 48" / 2012
a current work in progress. The poem is an accompaniement to the painting and, as such, offers
an elucidation of the deep feelings that inform the piece.  
no tears
slipping horizon
dull blue / soft lapses
dread, grey, and footsteps falling
charcoal black all shiny and waiting
vacant white hems the emptied sky
pierced only by the uncertain stride
of lonely little birds, stragglers left behind

no tears
no joy either
strange is this place of waiting and in between
dead pursuant to an ebbing sadness
full of speechless ghosts and slow, spiralling madness

dread, grey, and footsteps falling
how will i make my way home when
behind me lies nothing
and a wall of crumbling white confronts me

no tears
i turn inward and pull out the light inside me
a small but shining beacon
must suffice to guide me
out of this netherworld of roaring silence
i begin my long passage with limbs stiff and unsteady
but with a heart not quite as black and heavy
pins and needles and butterflies
remind me that i am once again, alive
shadowland / oil on canvas / 24" x 48" / 2012
shadowland (detail) / oil on canvas / 24" x 48" / 2012
shadowland / lit from within

shadowland / lit from within

Work In Progress WIP abstract expressionist painting and poetry
