Onswipe is a HTML5 web-based white-label iPad publication solution. Onswipe transforms blogs/websites into a beautiful app-like experience on iPad. Unlike an usual app, Onswipe publication works inside the browser, without installing anything.

I refactored a early prototype into a production-ready front-end interface before its public launch. The front-end was architected in a way which different CSS can be used to “theme” the layout. I also built the underlying touch interaction engine – SwipeCore.
The touch interaction library I wrote (SwipeCore) includes a plugin that could makes any element "pinchable". With using a two-finger pinch, the element follows and rotates with the fingers. Such implementation is one of the first and finest on the web.

Readers can interact with website they never be able to before. Now, they are pinch to close an article, and see how it animates back to the homepage. Also they can pinch open an images from an article for a slideshow mode too.
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Onswipe transforms blogs/websites into a beautiful app-like experience on iPad.


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