I have had a fascination with maps my entire life. My favourite maps are clear, legible, accurate and detailed. I particularly admire National Geographic and Ordnance Survey maps; as pieces of graphic design they are unparalleled. I also have a fondness for my old 1977 Hobart Street Atlas - extremely dog-eared and well-thumbed, missing several pages but still mostly complete.

Here are a couple of maps that I have created in my spare time, reflecting these influences.
Map of the eastern part of Ballarat - a city about 110 kilometres west of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia where I lived for about three years.

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS.
Map of the British Isles inspired by the National Geographic map of the same area.

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS5
Map of the British Isles inspired by the National Geographic map of the same area.

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS5


Maps created as non-commissioned personal work.
