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Gugalnica (The Swing)

Gugalnica je obsežen, ambiciozen stripovski roman, ki sem ga ustvarjal večji del leta 2012. Nastal je po scenariju Žige Valetiča, izšel pa je v sozaložništvu med društvom OZARA in Celjsko Mohorjevo družbo. Obravnava neprijetno, že kar zloveščo, a za slovensko (pa tudi kakšno drugo) družbo še kako perečo problematiko - samomor (!). Natančneje, usodne posledice, kakršne ima takšno skrajno dejanje človeške stiske na svojce in bližnjike preminule osebe - zlasti na tiste najmlajše med njimi. V osnovi fiktivna zgodba, namenjena tako odraslim kot mladini, diskretno sugerira, na kakšen način se lahko prizadeti, kot tudi tisti, ki jim želijo pomagati, spopadejo s posledicami tragedije in jih, vsaj deloma, tudi presežejo ... V tej galeriji si lahko ogledate in preberete prvih krajši odlomek.
Gugalnica ('The Swing') is an ambitious graphic novel I worked on for most of 2012. It's based on a script by Žiga Valetič and was published by the association 'Ozara' and 'Celjska Mohorjeva družba' publishing house (both Slovenian). It deals with a somewhat grim, even sinister topic, but one that certainly calls for attention in modern Slovenian society (and many others, for that matter). Suicide (!). Specifically, it shows the emotionally devastating effects such an extreme act of human despair can have on one's friends and relatives - especially children. Basically a fictional story, aimed at both adult and young readers, the comic gently suggests how the affected - and those willing to help them - can cope with the tragedy and find inner peace again ... In this gallery, you can read a brief preview.
Gugalnica (The Swing)

Gugalnica (The Swing)

Stripovski roman po scenariju Žige Valetiča in z mojimi ilustracijami. A graphic novel, written by Žiga Valetič and illustrated by me.


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