Gašper Rus's profile

Ilustracija 1 / Illustration 1

Ilustracije iz knjige David: Misija mogoče, ki jo je napisala Aksinja Kermauner, izšla pa je pri Zvezi društev gluhih in naglušnih Slovenije. Gre za zgodbo o dobronamernem vesoljčku, ki prispe na Zemljo, da bi posvaril njene prebicalce o katastrofi, ki jim grozi. A ker se pripadniki njegove vrste sporazumevajo izključno v znakovnem jeziku, ima precejšnje težave, preden uspe najti Zemljana, ki ga razume in ga je pripravljen poslušati.

Illustrations from the book David: Mission possible (David: Misija mogoče) written by Aksinja Kermauner and published by Slovenian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. It's an illustrated story about a benevolent extraterrestrial who comes to the Earth in order to warn its human inhabitants of an impending catastrophe. However, as his race only communicates in sign language, he has a lot of difficulty before he finds an earthling with whom he can talk and who's willing to listen.
Ilustracija 1 / Illustration 1

Ilustracija 1 / Illustration 1
