Series of Flying Vehicles

Doctor Laszlo Kertesz, used to build his vehicle theory of quantum vacuum. Thanks to this he raised to the skies. He flew, but after a few moments of flight, by the errors and shortcomings which often happen to the pioneers, he crashed into a nearby rock with a very big bang. It happens.
How many times you've seen a variety of cartoon characters flying with an umbrella? Exactly. Sir Samuel Fox also looked at these cartoons and came to the obvious conclusion. He built Umbrellaflyer human powered. Who would not want to have such a vehicle and go in sunny Sunday on a flight-walk high above the town.
Otto built its antigravity vehicle to impress a woman by his wisdom. Unfortunately, this woman had a fear of heightsand scared her everything that is not attached to the ground. Otto resigned wanted to get far away on his machine. He was shot down by the TU-22M belonging to the Marine Air Missile (Morskaja Rakietonosnaja Awinacja). Prose of life.
A truly English vehicle, in the English style. Sir William Lindley used the achievements of the Hungarian engineer,and like he used the technology of quantum vacuum. Sir William did not commit the same mistakes as Laszlo, which is not crashed in test flights. He built a modern, reliable, stylish machine. However, the prose of life  did not know beautiful endings. Sir William was the victim of a conspiracy carmakers. He has been involved in the murder and sentenced to prison. And his project disappeared in mysterious circumstances.
Flying Vehicles

Flying Vehicles

This is one of the works of a series of flying machines. This vehicle was designed by a man named Laszlo Kertesz. The vehicle uses the theory of Read More
