I was asked by my buddy Eric to make a cool intro for his GoPro MTB Videos. He wants some elements related to mountain biking and forest.
I used AfterEffects CC to make this animation and here is a list of the elements I used from other artists:
Dust-, smoke- and explosion-footage by Andrew Kramer (VideoCopilot)
Explosion sound fx "Blast" by Mike Koenig
Swoosh sound fx "Swooshing" by man
Music track "Harpsichordly virtual" by mmb digidesigns
Here are some frames of the animation with comments below...
The stylized background animation consists of spinning sprockets and some green waves. All of this is masked with an image of trees.
Then an explosion in the center of the screen takes place to reveal the text. I used some stock footage from Video Copilot for this effect. Also three sprockets fly towards the viewer from the center. 
The text reveal is something I really like. I used the Raleway typeface and converted the text to masks and the applied the stroke filter to it which draws the outline of each character. As the typeface is so thin it results in just one thick line per character.
I also animated some parts of the masks to have this growing lines which separates the screen into 4 parts. To make it a bit more readable I added a dot for the "I" in Eric.
To finish it of, I added another explosion, starting from the dot of the "I". Again I used stock footage from Video Copilot together with Tubulent Displace, Ripple and Tint effects.
Eric's Intro

Eric's Intro

An intro animation for short mountain bike videos.
