Behance Russia. Meetup 4. Moscow

Behance Russia Meetup #4
Moscow, April 2011
Russian Behance Ambassador Arseny Vesnin (founder of Designcollector),  Moscow Behance Council Tanya Smirnova and Yandex, Nebo #7 represent 4th Behance Russia Meetup.

It was first time for us, when we meet in huge and beautiful offece in Yandex.

Meetup was initiated by Moscow Behance Council Tanya Smirnova.

The key word of this Meetup was "Insperation". We ask Anton Repponen (Art Director at Fantasy Interactive) to share with our community they life expirience.  Also we descussed our projects and talked about Behance, 99% and other stuff wich can be our insperation.

(Read more on Russian on
Behance Russia. Meetup 4. Moscow

Behance Russia. Meetup 4. Moscow

Behance Meetup #4, Moscow
