Yannis Aggelakos's profile

Atermon movie poster

Background: A purely personal project, this poster is my personal tribute to Hollywood poster artists like Drew Struzan. Despite this not being the official movie poster, I just couldn't resist using footage from the movie and try to recreate this particular "Hollywood" style.
After all I was the movie's Producer and director of photography: couldn't miss the chance;)

Technique: I used frame grabs from the digital Full HD movie file and using various photo-to-paint software as well as Photoshop masking using natural brushes and some heavy processing to create the painterly look.

I have included some crops, that depict the detail at approximately 25% below the poster

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Atermon movie poster

Project Made For

Atermon movie poster

A movie poster I designed for the short greek fantasy-horror film Atermon
