Establishing a worldwide health portal
When the United Nations Population Fund decided to create AccessRH, an online portal to provide convenient, global access to reproductive health information and products, they asked Ultravirgo to develop and implement a launch strategy. We delivered a messaging platform that emphasizes the program’s unique combination of both information and supplies, in order to establish AccessRH as a destination for the global reproductive health community. The visual brand, standardized in detailed guidelines, includes a logo with a subtle allusion to an individual empowered by access to reproductive health information and supplies. The color palette and photography style are warm and approachable to engage the widest possible and most diverse audience. The website offers an intuitive interface that makes information and supplies acquisition fast and convenient. In the first year since its launch, AccessRH has achieved significant traction globally, quickly establishing itself as a hub for the international reproductive health community.
Program overview brochure
We created comprehensive visual guidelines for both online and print media – covering everything from color palette to imagery style, infographics, and web site content architecture.
The site was organized under the two main service sections: research data and supplies procurement. When designing the site, we developed a modular grid structure to cross-pollinate relevant content and data from both sections. For example, on a condoms order page, a chart about global condom shipments is dynamically-generated from their database to appear alongside. This sitewide leverage of their valuable data content educates their customers, improving understanding of reproductive health supplies among all audiences.
Research landing page
Supplies ordering landing page
Product detail page


Complete brand system for a unique new reproductive health program
