Some Doodles
They make me laugh (or at least smile).
I love sketchbooks.

I love looking at other people's sketchbooks.

I even buy sketchbook reprints of artists I like.

I'm not a prolific doodler but it passes the time while waiting.

And it entertains me.
Personal Anchor
It gets windy here. REALLY windy. So I want to invent a personal anchor. It attaches to your belt or pocket. You can lower or raise it when needed. You can use the anchor metaphorically to keep yourself centered when the winds of change are blowing hard around you.
("Metaphorically"- did I even use that word properly?)
(I like this drawing... it's Thurber-esque!)
This is Stooper Man.
Another doodle without a story. I just love his dumb expression.
This is "Pluto Boy".
 He lost his super powers when evil scientists downgraded his planet to... uh, not a planet.
What's he gonna do now?
One of my cats sustained an injury this weekend and had to wear an Elizabethian collar. He looked so cute. But it drove him crazy and the vet said he could take it off.

(We didn't get any pictures so this will have to do.)
"Looking for Higher Ground"
With all the rain lately, we were afraid we'd have to look for higher ground.
More Cat Doodles
My cat as the Easter Bunny and as Santa Claus.
Some doodles

Some doodles

This a page to collect my sketchbook ideas.

