A tribute to one of the most wonderful films I have watched in Netflix 🎅🏻🎄
Klaus is one of the best animated films I’ve watched this year. I love that they pursued with the traditional 2D animation. Did you know that Klaus took nearly a decade to get off the ground? It’s like a sleeping giant and most studios thought of the film’s attributes as too risky. But because Netflix eagerly wanted to have an original animated film, they franchised it anyway. Solid move! Lesson learned here is that sometimes others will doubt your works and it will seem like you’re not good enough. Sometimes it will take years for you to see the fruits of your labor just like Klaus. But you should always believe in your works and never give up until the right opportunity arrives. 🥰
 #klaus #netflix  #santa #jesper #margu #animation #quotes #inspirationalquotes #typism #typography #goodtype #illustrationartist #illustrationoftheday #illo #handlettering #typespire #klausnetflix #christmas
KLAUS Illustration

KLAUS Illustration
