So this was one of the titles I got from the illustration rep entitled "Vacation Blues. At first I was thinking sadness, crying, rain, etc. Then I though what if "Blues" could refer to the color of a woman's swimsuit.  Seemed more fun than the former concepts. Research and referencing was awesome. She was made using acetate stencils, paint rollers and acrylic paint. 

I did two comps because I wasn't initially happy with the results. As always, I think it could be better. Ultimately I'd like to try a screen printed variation. My process now is very conducive to that method of printing and I could make a multitude of prints to sell. Just seems more economical in the long run.

Final: Vacation Blues (2010), 7.25 x 11.25, acrylic on illustration board

Hope you like the process.

Vacation Blues

Vacation Blues

Illustration for an article entitled "Vacation Blues"
