Rebecka Tiselius's profile


RIBA President’s Medals NOMINEE
Nominated by CSM as a candidate for RIBA President’s Medals 2013 , for my diploma project "URBAN:FARM:CENTRE".

Printed in Future Trend Report for 100% London Design Week

Cities have seen guerilla gardens, rooftop honey production, and fire escape chicken coups. Now, urban farms may be adding “Urban:Farm:Centre:Peckham” to the mix.
As more and more people move to ever expanding cities, we will keep pushing farms further away from population centres. The unavoidable result is longer transportation routes, increased reliance on petroleum-based fertilizers, and more high intensity monoculture farming on the remaining agricultural land. Quite soon there will be no more land.
In response to the expanding cities of the future I want to create a sustainable production of protein for local consumption. The Urban:Farm is producing meal-worms, locust, fish and vegetables for human consumption in a circular metabolism site system. I am creating a sustainable locally produced protein source in the core of the building at the heart of the community. As we are modernizing our houses, birds and insects are loosing theirs. To sustain the biodiversity in the city, I am providing new hideouts in the skin of the proposal for birds, bats, bees and other insects. Reclaiming biodiversity in the city.
The proposals are intertwined in the existing fabric of Peckham to reconnect the community. The proposal is creating a diverse true urban centre that emphasizes public interaction in the production of food by education, experimentation, live experience and future food research facilities. In a sense, I would like to bridge the divide by reconnecting us to the production of food, and create a sustainable protein production, to nurture the existing community. The proposal will act as new centre in Peckham, a part of a bigger system. A system of the future and this is phase 1.


Final project in BA:Architecture:spaces&objects at Central Saint Martins


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